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Session Day Dates Times Price
Futsal 1 Mondays 11/11, 18, 25, 12/2, 9, 16 5:30 - 10:00pm $95/Player - RAGE Players $90
Futsal 2 Mondays 1/6, 13, 20, 27, 2/3, 10 5:30 - 10:00pm $95/Player - RAGE Players $90
Futsal 3 Mondays 2/17, 24, 3/3, 10, 17, 24 5:30 - 10:00pm $95/Player - RAGE Players $90

The youngest age groups will play first (5:30 PM).  Approximate start times will soon be posted below! Note:  There are NO SNOW DATES.
THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP GAMES due to absences. 



COVID-19 Refund Policy: 
PRIOR TO THE START OF EACH SESSION, in the event our Monday Night Futsal League is CANCELLED or disrupted by factors related to Covid-19, outside of the MONDAY NIGHT FUTSAL program's control, players will be refunded 100% of the registration fee.  

However, if 4 of the 6 weeks are played in any given session, the league will be considered complete, and players at the top of the brackets will be considered the winners.  If less than 4 weeks are played, players will be given a credit toward future MNF sessions.

Futsal Program Details and Registration

Welcome to the proving ground!
We are excited to announce BODY ZONE will be the stage for some of the best youth futsal players in the area.

Program is open to all boys and girls ages U8-19 regardless of their club affiliation. Over 550 players participated last year.  Don't miss out on the best futsal program in the area!

Any questions email Eric Puls - Futsal Program Director -

Monday Night Individual 3v3 Futsal League


Individual players are invited to participate in our exciting 6-week programs that will focus on all of the skills necessary to play Futsal; high-paced and high-scoring, in a touchline format. Players will refine their ball control and passing skills as they earn individual points throughout the session. No coaching, no referees, different teammates every week, and a focus on fun highlight this great program.

All games will be held at BODY ZONE Sports and Wellness Complex. Players are guaranteed a minimum of three 9 minutes games each week.

The heavier smaller futsal ball is conditioned to improve shooting, passing, and ball control skills.What is Futsal?
Futsal is soccer played with a smaller, heavier ball, where players develop control, pin-point passing and quick decision making skills. A smaller playing environment encourages creativity by constantly placing players in demanding decision making situations; a major reason why futsal is one of the finest teachers of the game. World class players such as Ronaldinho and Robinho credit much of their professional successes to playing futsal at a young age.
Benefits of Playing Futsal:

  • Playing environment encourages individual creativity and flare.

  • Playing within touchlines forces players without the ball to position and anticipate as they should in the outdoor game.

  • Playing in small spaces encourages quick touches and helps to put players in good receiving positions to play the ball.

  • Playing in tight areas also greatly improves a player’s decision-making abilities; beneficial to the outdoor game.

  • Kids have fun!

Check out the video below for some of the top freestyle futsal soccer moves from around the world!!!

Rules and Regulations

- Each session will consist of a number 9minute games. Each player will be guaranteed at least three (3) games per session. All games will be running clock and will begin and end at the same time.

- Points will be given to all players under the following circumstances
  3 Points for a Win
  1 Point for a tie
  0 Points for a loss

- Teams will be picked at random for each session.

- If a player misses a week, no makeup games will be awarded. In the event of a player missing a week, other players who are not scheduled to play in that particular game will fill in for the missing player. Neither the missing player nor the player filling in will receive any points in this situation. The other two players on the team would receive points as normal.

- Official Futsal balls will be used for all games

- In the event of a tie on the final week a 1v1 head to head game will take place. The first player to score three (3) goals will be awarded as the Champion.

- Games will start at midfield. The home team (Pinnies) will always start with the ball

- After a goal is scored, the ball will begin back at midfield. All kick offs are direct.

- If the ball goes out of bounds the ball can be either passed back in field or dribbled back in from the point where the ball left the field.

- Goal kicks and corners will be awarded as normal. All balls out of bounds may be set back to the line and dribbled back into play, this includes corners and goal kicks

- No Goalkeepers will be used. No use of the hands is permitted anywhere on the field.

-Goals scored from beyond midfield will not count. Goals scored from the attacking half of the field are the only goals that will count.

- FIFA rules will be used unless otherwise stated.

- Players will call their own fouls.

- In the event of a foul/hand ball situation, a free-kick will be awarded at the point of the foul. The defending team must be 5ft away from the ball when the kick is taken. Again, this can be either a direct shot/pass or can be dribbled back into play.

- No sliding tackles are allowed.

2024 Futsal Session 1 Standings

**Click on the PTS. block in each age group for the correct standings**

Group 1: U8/9 Boys (5:30 - 6:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Maxim Rice 6 3 0 9 9 27
2 Enrico Leandro 9 4 4 6 3 26
3 Buxton Hoffman 6 0 0 7 3 16
4 Kayden Kubacki 1 4 7 3 9 24
5 Joseph Anderson Zaleski 1 6 6 0 0 13
6 Liam Putt 6 6 9 3 6 30
7 Grant Spayd 1 3 7 0 0 11
8 Leonardo Sgroi 0 9 7 6 9 31
9 Zachary Christman 4 3 4 3 0 14
10 Jacob Morales 7 9 9 7 9 41 - CHAMPION
11 Phillip Perkins 7 3 0 6 3 19
12 Cameron Rohrbacher 1 6 2 6 6 21
13 Iker Buenano 1 6 1 4 4 16
14 TJ Gubernot 4 4 6 3 6 23
15 Dante Folino 6 6 6 6 4 28
16 George Carroll 6 3 0 0 3 12
17 Caden Stein 6 3 4 3 4 20
18 Mateo Hernandez 3 6 7 7 9 32
19 Joshua Gael Renteria 3 3 2 0 4 12
20 Emmanuel Sanchez 3 3 1 4 3 14
21 Joseph Brendlen 0 3 1 3 0 7
22 Braxton Billera-Smith 1 3 6 3 3 16
23 Lucas Fornwalt 7 4 0 4 6 21
24 Cason Berens 6 3 6 1 0 16
25 Donny Tucker 0 0 1 9 3 13
26 Wyatt Haring 7 4 2 0 3 16

Group 2: U8/9 Girls (5:30 - 6:20PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Briar Frantz 6 6 7 6 6 31
2 Mia Axarlis 9 3 3 3 6 24
3 Nora Riley 3 6 6 0 0 15
4 Scarlett Kelchner 3 3 0 6 1 13
5 Penelope Quesada 0 3 7 4 3 17
6 Emma Schuster 0 0 0 1 0 1
7 Filomena Damiano 9 9 9 9 9 45 - CHAMPION
8 Charlotte Ladany 6 3 4 0 6 19
9 Mia Frost 6 3 6 4 3 22
10 Resi Kulikowski 3 6 6 4 4 23
11 Valentina Medina 0 3 0 0 3 6
12 Isabella Muscarnera 6 9 4 9 0 28
13 Isabelle Dewire 3 9 4 1 4 21
14 Gisella Rostek 3 0 0 0 0 3
15 Eme Stefan 3 9 3 6 3 24
16 Londyn Echavarria 0 6 3 3 7 19
17 Emerson Albertson 3 0 4 9 4 20
18 Mila Schuster 9 0 3 0 0 12

GROUP 3: U10 Boys (6:40-7:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
2 Justin Skelton 1 1 6 3 3 14
3 Chase Diffendall 0 0 0 2 3 0
4 Nathan Marks 9 6 4 0 9 28
5 Devin Berndt 9 4 2 4 6 25
6 Everett Gross 3 0 1 3 4 11
7 Landon Kemp 6 6 7 7 0 26
8 Milan Angel 6 6 3 7 9 31
9 Clayton Katzin 4 3 2 3 0 12
10 Lucas Ivancevic 4 3 6 1 3 17
11 Joey Walsh 3 9 9 9 7 37 - CHAMPION
12 Brennan Estes 0 1 0 1 0 2
13 Cam Elbaum 6 7 6 2 3 24
14 Patrick Danu 6 4 3 6 6 25
15 Sullivan Kurtz 9 7 2 1 6 25
16 Steven Popeliastly 0 2 7 6 3 18
17 Leonek Kulikowski 0 4 5 4 4 17
18 Connor Gehman 3 4 1 5 1 14
19 Beau Slotkin 7 2 4 4 4 21
20 Connor Vonada 4 6 5 1 9 25
21 PJ Poole 0 0 3 5 7 15

Group 4: U10/11 GIRLS (6:20-7:40PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Sophia Smeltz 9 3 4 7 4 27
2 Kendall Miller 3 6 6 1 4 20
3 Maliyah Jeanty 6 9 10 3 3 31
4 Kellie Kast 3 0 6 1 6 16
5 Isla Hassler 4 9 3 0 3 19
6 Liily Newman 2 3 3 0 0 8
7 Layla Eppler 6 1 9 6 4 26
8 Makenna Zerr 1 4 4 6 9 24
9 Talia Castiglioni 1 4 6 3 3 17
10 Luciana Wildermuth 6 7 4 7 6 30
11 Kendall Hower 9 7 6 3 4 29
12 Elise Wertz 3 1 6 4 3 17
13 Lindsay Keller 9 9 6 7 9 40 - CHAMPION
14 Rory Vernon 6 6 3 6 3 24
15 Brynn Waren 4 3 7 4 3 21
16 Savanna Flowers 4 3 0 4 6 17
17 Kenzie Kurzweg 6 6 7 4 9 32
18 Lexi Koegel 3 6 3 0 0 12
19 Gabriella Wagner 0 4 0 6 0 10
20 Ana Cook 3 1 0 4 9 17
21 Reagan Wolf 6 7 0 3 3 19
22 Marlee Voss 4 4 0 0 6 14
23 --- ---- - - -- - - -
24 Alanna Rodriguez 3 1 3 0 1 8
25 Ava Santos 1 1 3 6 0 11
26 Hadlee Reichert 2 3 2 4 3 14
27 Myla Smeltz 3 6 1 3 4 17
28 Marla Saracen 3 3 6 3 0 15
29 Arianna Cirandine 3 6 7 0 3 19
30 Hunter Henne 7 0 0 1 6 14

Group 5: U12 Girls (7:40-8:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Bryleigh Dietrich 9 0 0 - - - 9
2 Rylee Coyte 6 4 9 1 5 25
3 Nina Pfeiffer 0 4 3 3 9 19
4 Mya Saracen 3 3 6 6 4 22
5 Juniper Kurtz 0 7 6 7 1 21
6 Lexi Klein 3 4 3 3 4 17
7 Addison Mohr 6 6 3 6 1 22
8 Mila Rice 0 4 0 4 3 11
9 Ava Cunningham 0 5 0 3 6 14
10 Aurora Macrina 3 0 0 0 0 3
11 Lillian Brownback 9 7 6 9 9 40 - CHAMPION
12 Emma Reifsnyder 6 6 6 1 4 23
13 Avery Levering 4 3 9 6 4 26
14 Bailey Oplinger 4 4 6 7 4 25
15 Ella Zaorski 0 3 3 1 6 13
16 Arya Colatosti 1 6 0 6 0 13
17 Campbell Smith 7 7 9 6 7 36
18 Madeline Lascoskie 4 4 3 3 3 17
19 Morgan Koegel 3 4 6 3 0 16
20 Kara Lineweaver 0 4 3 3 5 15

Group 6: U13 Boys (7:40-8:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Royce Pittman 4 6 9 7 4 30 - CHAMPION
2 Aiven Good 4 3 6 0 6 19
3 Alexander Marchio 4 3 3 0 7 17
4 Lorde-Zayden Vouse 7 7 3 6 2 25
5 Andre Castiglioni 4 0 6 4 2 16
6 Monte Capretti 4 0 0 0 0 4
7 Nathan Christman 3 6 6 4 1 20
8 Josip Ivancevic 0 6 3 6 7 22
9 Devin Schaeffer 0 9 9 4 6 28
10 Ryan DeJohn 6 4 6 6 7 29
11 Austin Gravitt 9 6 6 4 1 26
12 Bentley Roberts 6 3 0 0 0 9
13 Aryaan Ilyas 0 1 6 4 2 13
14 Nicholas Slotkin 3 3 0 6 1 13
15 Guiliano Magrino 0 0 3 0 5 8
16 Wyatt Putt 6 3 0 6 2 17
17 Valentino Di Stefano 0 4 0 0 9 13

Group 7: U11 Boys (7:20-8:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #1

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Parker Piontek 4 3 6 6 6 25
2 Seth Missan 7 6 9 4 3 29
3 Daren Ander 4 3 3 7 5 22
4 Caden Foose 3 9 1 3 1 17
5 Luke Petrie 4 0 7 6 4 21
6 Brennan Angstadt 3 6 0 4 1 14
7 Quinn Schott 2 3 3 0 6 14
8 Caleb Hoch 1 3 4 6 3 17
9 Jaxon Hoch 1 6 4 6 7 24
10 Chase Mell 5 0 0 3 1 9
11 Kaiden Johnson 3 9 9 6 9 36
12 Blake Bond 9 9 7 2 6 33
13 Zander Youse 7 9 7 6 9 38 - CHAMPION
14 Salvatore Damiano 1 0 3 3 4 11
15 Maxxen Sep 4 3 5 1 3 16
16 Andrew Sassaman 2 3 0 0 4 9
17 Henry Ladany 2 6 7 3 4 22
18 Kaden Rhoads 7 0 3 9 0 19
19 Will Hallowell 4 0 4 2 3 13
20 Benjamin Orzechowski 5 6 1 4 3 19
21 Jonah Miller 7 6 3 3 6 25
22 Lincoln Moyer 3 3 3 4 5 18
23 Abrem King 4 0 4 7 9 24

Group 8: U12 Boys (7:20-8:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #1

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Joseph Molnar 0 0 6 0 3 9
2 Nico Stanco 6 6 6 9 6 33
3 Matteo Folino 3 3 3 3 1 13
4 Cole Speicher 9 9 9 3 6 36 - CHAMPION
5 Bryce Quimby-Paskowski 6 3 9 6 9 33
6 Aiden Kutz 6 3 6 6 0 21
7 Conner Meeks 6 6 0 0 7 19
8 Luca Sgroi 9 3 6 0 1 19
9 Lucas Helinek 3 6 3 9 6 27
10 Fillip Munteanu 3 0 6 6 0 15
11 Stasio Kulikowski 3 9 0 9 7 28
12 Brayden Fichter 3 6 0 0 4 13
13 Dylan Maurer 3 0 3 0 7 13

Group 9: U13/14 GIRLS (7:20-8:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Thea Franco-Wolfe 3 3 4 9 1 20
2 Ilina Rice 3 7 0 0 0 10
3 Sarah Stoner 0 3 6 3 4 16
4 Riley Spangler 7 3 3 0 3 16
5 Reegan Spangler - - 6 9 9 24
6 Hannalise Schaeffer 4 9 7 9 7 36 - CO CHAMPION
7 Cajya Christiansen 6 0 6 3 1 16
8 Natalie Keller 3 7 3 9 9 31
9 Hope Hallowell 3 0 7 3 6 19
10 Leighton Mest 6 3 3 3 0 15
11 Natalie Holly 1 6 4 3 4 18
12 Chloe Chafin 4 4 0 0 0 8
13 Laura Klitsch 9 3 6 6 3 27
14 Isabella Arana-Figueroa 3 7 7 6 9 32 - CO CHAMPION
15 Aria Fornwalt 4 3 0 0 6 13
16 Briella Mohn 1 9 0 3 1 14
17 Giada Lavigna 3 0 3 6 9 21
18 Andrea Hix 6 6 3 3 3 21
19 Madison Rudnick 3 1 6 3 3 16
20 Ella Sep - - - 0 - - -
21 Meghan Hasson 9 7 4 6 3 29
22 Lincoln Moyer 0 0 6 3 6 15

Group 10: U14/15 BOYS (8:30-9:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #2

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Zachariah Besz 0 4 3 3 4 14
2 Joseph De Los Santos 6 6 9 6 9 36 - CHAMPION
3 Ryan Foo 4 0 9 0 2 15
4 Grant Portzline 7 6 0 0 6 19
5 Leo Esterbrook 6 4 4 6 6 26
6 Luca DiCicco 3 7 6 0 5 21
7 Teddy Groucutt 6 3 4 9 0 22
8 Mason Hopkins 6 6 3 6 0 21
9 Braydon Youse 3 6 4 6 5 24
10 Andrew Munteanu 6 6 0 9 3 24
11 Christopher Sandru 4 4 6 6 6 26
12 Ryan Voss 1 4 0 0 4 9
13 Quinn Orzechowski 6 4 9 6 3 28
14 Gage Andre 9 3 6 7 1 26
15 McKayle Pursell 3 1 3 0 3 10
16 Ronin Lyle 3 7 4 1 4 19
17 Seamus McClure 6 6 0 4 1 17
18 Giovanni Pasquale 1 7 1 3 0 12
19 Sebastian Yoder 3 1 9 4 9 26
20 Brooks Deysher 9 4 3 0 0 16
21 Landon Cox 0 3 1 4 9 17
22 Luca Stanco 1 1 6 4 4 16
23 Adan RodrA-guez Ruiz 6 0 3 0 0 9
24 Matthew Best 6 9 3 6 6 30

Group 11: HIGH SCHOOL Boys (8:20-9:30PM) - Arena Turf Field #1

# First Last Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 PTS
1 Owen Milller 3 3 6 13 25
2 Matthew Gorney 9 0 18 4 31
3 Emanuel Ladino 9 3 3 5 20
4 Michael De Los Santos 0 4 12 14 30
5 Hunter Zerr 3 9 9 8 29
6 Mason Wink 3 2 9 5 19
7 Owen Meredith 9 6 12 15 42 - CHAMPION
8 Cash Stout 6 7 9 0 22
9 Barrett Werner 3 4 6 10 23
10 Nathan Shields 3 6 12 0 21
11 Liam Rios 0 1 6 6 13

Futsal Session 1 Champions

U10/11 Girls Lauren Mischler, U8/9 Boys Cohen Naylon, U12 Girls Ruby Johnson, U11/12 Boys Nathan Christman, U12/13 Boys Brady Frederick, HS Girls Madeline Wilkes, HS Boys Matt Gorney

U10/11 Girls Lauren Mischler, U8/9 Boys Cohen Naylon, U12 Girls Ruby Johnson, U11/12 Boys Nathan Christman, U12/13 Boys Brady Frederick, HS Girls Madeline Wilkes, HS Boys Matt Gorney